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While a lot of businesses are unaware of it, they do have a Google Places listing. Not sure about your business? Just go to Google Maps and search for your business. If it’s there, make sure all of the information is correct.

We have seen a lot of businesses unaware of the fact that their Google Places displays the wrong data. We have seen businesses labeled as Permanently Closed when they are most definitely not*, schedules altered to show them businesses are opened when they are not, and Business Categories horribly misrepresented. We have seen carpenters labeled as Advertisers with an office instead of a business that goes to their clients. One of the worst issues we see quite often is a business having several business listings at once – muddling and confusing Google into showing none at all.

We have solved all of these nightmare scenarios, so if you are having any issues, contact us today. Any of these flaws are turning potential customers away from your store. According to ComScore’s report on mobile market share, in March of 2015 Android Users (the ones that will often use Google Maps to find you) had 52.4% of the mobile market. That is a large sector of the market that is potentially receiving wrong information about you. Give us a call today so we can begin resolving your issues together.

*It must be noted that the image used in this article is of an actually closed business – do not go there.

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