by Nick Potapov | May 27, 2016 | Basics, Design, Newsletter
You may be looking at this post thinking “well I already have a website that works, that’s all it takes!” Unfortunately, simply existing is not all it takes. So what does it take to have a successful website in 2016? When you look at your website,...
by Nick Potapov | May 15, 2016 | Basics, Design, Newsletter
When most people think of the term ‘design’, they tend to think about the color scheme, font, etc. on their website. While that is all part of the design process when building a website, there is a wide variety of other factors to take into consideration...
by Nick Potapov | May 12, 2016 | Basics, Design, Newsletter
In today’s world, we rely on our smart phones for just about everything. We check social media sites, emails, text messages, and even online shop on our phones today. That being said, mobile compatibility and mobile searches are taken into consideration more so...
by Nick Potapov | Aug 9, 2015 | Google, Newsletter, SEO, Uncategorized
Backlinks are links that go from a different website to yours. Because the creation of these links is a voluntary action on the part of that website’s owner, the amount of links can be an excellent measurement of a website’s usefulness and popularity. This...
by Nick Potapov | Jul 12, 2015 | Google, Newsletter, SEO, Social Media
In leaked sneak peeks of Eric Schmidt’s new book, “The New Digital Age”, the Google Executive Chairman admits what we have been suspecting – content created by a verified identity will rise in search results. Social Media websites such as...